Britain’s queen of home workouts, Sunday Times Best Selling Author, and entrepreneur Courtney Black opens up about her past and journey to healthy and happy. Read our interview and find out more about the Women’s Best athlete!
Name: Courtney Black
Location: London, United Kingdom
Height: 5’3″/ 160 cm
Birthday: 31st July 1996
Instagram: @courtneydblack
Can you share more about yourself and what you are doing?
I am a full-time fitness coach over on my fitness app THE COURTNEY BLACK APP where I help thousands of people daily reach their fitness and health goals and become the happiest and best versions of themselves. I use my social media to help inspire people to have a healthy relationship with food and exercise and become the healthiest versions of themselves.

When did your journey start? Was there a certain event or situation after which you found your passion for fitness and decided this was your path?
My journey started about 7 years ago now when I suffered an eating disorder. It made me realise how uneducated I was on how to fuel my body and how the media had brainwashed me to always want to be thinner rather than feeling strong.
This made me want to help anyone who was in the same position as me.
How often do you work out a week? What type of workouts do you do?
I workout 5 times per week, these are all filmed for my app. They are a mixture of resistance (weights) and HIIT cardio. I do lots of full body and body part splits, and always add in some core into my workouts as it helps build a strong foundation.

You have suffered from an eating disorder in the past. How did you overcome your struggles?
I constantly googled ways to lose weight, burn fat, burn more calories, feel less hungry. I constantly googled how to be thinner and how to burn as much off as I could. I would run on the treadmill to catwalk models and burn off every single calorie I would consume not even taking into consideration that my body needed food… TO LIVE. I suffered for years with disordered eating and restricting my life as much as I possibly could to look a certain way. I stopped myself eating certain foods, attending social gatherings, staying in on holiday, googling ways to lose more weight… this lead to lack of energy, loss of friends, disordered eating (restriction, limiting calories, chewing and spitting disease, bingeing), body dysmorphia and amenorrhea.
I knew enough was enough because it was seriously controlling my life and ruining a lot of valuable relationships because of my constant mood swings and shutting myself off from people I cared about. I slowly increased my calories and stopped the excessive training I was doing (I would run for hours each day!) sure it was scary at first when I started to gain the weight and had slip-ups… but the results were so worth it!

How is your relationship to food now? Do you have a favorite meal and also a treat meal?
I feel so strong, athletic and powerful now, and not to mention the energy and happiness I have. My relationships with family and friends are better than ever because I am happy and bubbly. Before I could barely hold a conversation because I simply had zero energy! I can be around foods that used to make me feel anxious because now I allow myself all foods and nothing is cut from my diet. I believe in following a balanced lifestyle.
I love Tuscan prawn pasta which is a dish from my app!
I don’t call meals treat meals because I believe all foods are equal and everything in moderation.
Your journey back to the essence that is Courtney has been incredible. When you reflect on where you are now versus five years ago, what are you most proud of?
The strong and honest woman that I have become!
What kind of advice can you offer to those who are maybe struggling with a negative self-image or harmful behaviors around image and body?
Remove anything that makes you doubt yourself. Unfollow those who make you feel less worthy. Stop prodding at yourself in the mirror, instead leave little notes around the house to remind you of all the amazing things about yourself!
What do you love the most about your community and followers?
I love how honest we are with each other. When we are having bad days we can speak to each other without judgment!

Fun question: describe the true Courtney in five words.
Energetic, caring, driven, passionate, excitable.
What Women’s Best supplements do you use? When and why?
Women’s Best Fit Whey post-workout and in smoothies. Vegan Protein in my oats as it’s soooo creamy! Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies as they help with my digestion. BCAAs as they keep me hydrated and help with my post-workout DOMS. Creatine for strength and endurance. The protein powder mix – it’s so delicious and convenient. SMART bars for an easy on the go snack.
What’s your favorite Women’s Best collection and color?
The Power collection in red or khaki!

Lastly, you decided to collab with Women’s Best. Why did you choose to be part of the community?
I have been working with Women’s Best since nearly the start of my journey and I love how I have grown with the brand. Everyone in the team is super caring and want the very best for each other, and all the other athletes have truly incredible and inspiring stories. I love working with such an incredible team.