Not all women are naturally blessed with a well-rounded butt like Kim, Khloe, JLo, or Queen Bey… Many women all around the world wonder how to get a bigger booty and this is what we’re here for! In this article we share insights into the right nutrition and best glute exercises that will make your booty pop!
Besides knowing the best glute exercises, there are some other factors that will help you while working towards your bubble butt!
Eight things to keep in mind to grow your glutes for a round butt:
#1 Don’t overdo cardio
Doing a lot of cardio is great for your weight loss and overall fitness but will not help you grow your glute muscles. Moreover, excessive cardio exercise can break down muscle tissue. For those who need a glute-boosting cardio exercise, go stair running! Find the steepest stairs you can climb (or climb two or three steps at a time) and slowly “lunge” yourself up the stairs. You can also use any knee-level platform for a step up, which works the same muscles. If you prefer working out at the gym, hit the stairmaster for your cardio glute workout!
#2 Eat enough protein
As we know, protein is essential for muscle growth and recovery – this also applies to your butt. Without adequate protein, you can do all these exercises and not get a round butt. If you are working out regularly, your minimum daily amount of protein is 1g per kilogram of body weight. We would recommend consuming about 1,5 g of protein per kilogram of your body weight each day. If, for instance, you weigh 55 kg, try to shoot for around 70-80 grams of protein each day. Having a protein shake right after your workout makes it easier to get the proper amount of protein your body requires to grow your glutes.
The Women’s Best Protein Shakes can also be a perfect way to include enough protein in your diet and they taste like dessert anyways
#3 Choose the right carbs
There are good and bad carbs (also known as complex and simple carbs). The good ones will help you to grow lean muscle mass (and a big booty), the bad ones will eventually make you gain weight. Complex carbs, healthy carbs, such as whole grains, sweet potatoes, or beans are perfect for your body. Stay away from bad carbs which you can find in any kind of junk foods, candy, white bread, white pasta, artificially modified foods and soda. These foods are typically packed with sugar or salt and have little or no nutritional value. Plus, the production of insulin increases and as a result, your blood sugar levels spike, which promotes the storage of fat cells, typically in your belly area.
#4 Fat won’t make you FAT
It’s also important to make sure you’re getting enough healthy fat in your diet. Yes, that’s right…fat. The right kinds of fat are good for you and your curves. Nuts, coconut oil, avocados and salmon, for example, are loaded with healthy fatty acids that offer a range of health benefits. In a nutshell: If you want to build your glutes for a bigger bum, make sure that you have a balanced diet of protein, complex carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats.
#5 Challenge yourself
If your workout is not challenging, you won’t see results. By increasing your sets and reps you keep making progress. You could always add resistance bands to your training or opt for glute exercises with weights. You should consistently train at least three times a week. If it hurts, that means you’re on the right track!
#6 Don’t forget recovery
Consistently working out the same muscle groups too frequently is counter-productive and will result in muscle break down instead of muscle growth. This will then lead to muscle reduction instead of muscle build up. Train for three times per week so your glute muscles have some time to recover and grow.
#7 Don’t forget your abs!
If you want this adorable hour-glass-shape, you not only need to do glute exercises, you also need to keep up with ab workouts. Why? Having a smaller mid-section is a huge factor in how big the booty appears. If you have a smaller waist, there will be a more definite shape change between your midsection and your butt.
Learn more about how to get a small waist and reach that hour-glass silhouette!
#8 Try Plyometrics
Plyometric exercises are the best way to tone and build lean muscle while burning fat. This is more effective than just running or cycling because these forms of exercise only move in forward motion. Plyometrics includes exercises of power like jumping or even dancing that engages the glutes in form of multi-plane exercises, working it at all angles to get a nice round butt.
Now that you know about how growing your glutes technically works, let’s get to the practical part.

Follow the Women’s Best Glute Exercises to grow your glutes and get a bigger booty!
This glute workout is built to target different muscle groups that all help you get a bigger booty and make your butt appear rounder and more firm. There is a mix of exercises included, that have different goals. There are exercises like variations of Squats, that target large muscle groups and help you burn lots of calories during your workout. Other exercises like Single Leg Glute Bridges for example, target the glute muscle in a more isolated way and help shape your perfect bubble butt!
Warm up:
First, warm up with 10 minutes of light cardio or do our Women’s Best Glute Exercises after your regular cardio or strength workout.
- Do 12 reps per set and perform 2-3 sets of each exercise.
- Rest briefly between sets to keep the intensity high.
- Do this workout 3-4 days a week to get a bigger booty!
Split Squats:
Starting position: Find an about 10 inch (25 cm) high, 12 inch (30 cm) wide platform and stand on it.
- Jump up and land on the floor.
- Drop to a squat position.
- Jump up and land on the platform.
- Repeat this process as often as mentioned on your workout routine
Sumo Jump Squats:
Starting position: Standing with your feet placed more than shoulder width and your toes pointing out slightly. Throughout the exercise you have to keep your head up and maintain a straight back.
- Lower your upper body by bending your knees and hips. Keep your hands together in front of your body.
- Continue until the angle between upper leg and calve becomes slightly less than 90 degrees Now, your hands should touch the floor.
- Jump up as high as you can and land in the starting position.
- Repeat this process as often as mentioned on your workout routine.
Starting position: Stand up with your torso upright.
- Step forward with one leg until your shin and your thigh form a 90-degree angle. (inhale during this motion)
- Make sure that your knee does not move beyond your toes!
- Use your heels to push yourself up to the starting position (Exhale during this motion)
- Repeat this process as often as it is mentioned on your workout routine!
Glute Kickbacks:
Starting position: Kneel on the floor or on an exercise mat with your arms extended, placed at shoulder width and rectangular to your torso. Throughout the exercise, calve and hamstring should be at a 90-degree angle to each other.
- Perform the movement by lifting your leg until the hamstring is in line with your back. (Try to hold this position for some seconds)
- Return to the starting position and repeat the motion with the other leg.
- Repeat this process as often as it is mentioned on your home workout routine.
Single Leg Glute Bridge:
Starting position: Lie on your back on the floor or on an exercise mat with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent. Place your feet hip-width apart with the toes facing away from you. Raise one leg off the ground and fully extend it.
- Now perform the movement by extending your hip upward and raising your glutes off the ground. (Try to hold this position for some seconds and be sure to extend as far as you can.)
- Repeat this process as often as mentioned on your home workout routine.
X Hops:
Starting position: Standing with your feet placed at shoulder width, with your toes pointing out slightly. Keep your arms in front of your torso. Throughout the exercise you have to keep your head up and maintain a straight back.
- Perform a jump squat, but land in a split leg position, with one leg forward and the rear knee nearly touching the ground. (lunge position)
- Jump up from the lunge position and land in a squat position.
- Now jump up and land in a lunge position again, but this time reverse your legs.
- To complete the movement jump up and land in a squat position.
- Repeat this process as often as it is mentioned on your workout routine.
Starting position: Stand with your feet placed at shoulder width, with your toes pointing out slightly. Stretch your arms out. Keep your head up and maintain a straight back throughout the exercise.
- Lower your upper body by bending your knees and hips.
- Continue until the angle between upper leg and calve becomes slightly less than 90 degrees.
- Push off the floor by using your quads to get back to starting position.
- Repeat this process as often as it is mentioned on your workout routine.
Step up:
Starting position: Find a flat bench (or another, similar platform) and stand next to it.
- Place one foot on the bench.
- Step on the bench by extending your front leg’s hip and knee. The force to lift your body should mainly come from your front leg.
- Step down on the floor.
- Repeat the motion with your other leg.
- Repeat this process as often as mentioned on your workout routine.
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